D+C 123:12-13

"For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties and denominations...who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it--Therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things [out] of darkness, wherein we know them; and they are truly manifest from heaven--these should then be attended to with great earnestness."

Sunday, September 20, 2015


Hey guys!   It´s been a really good week- Elder Leite is a STUD! We are already like best friends! haha and he´s teaching me portuques!!!! I´m so pumped- I´m determined to come home tri lingual!!!!! But he´s super funny, we´re so excited to get work done!

I couldn´t go to Minas this week- The flia garrido have been really struggling. Satan is really working on them so that they don´t get baptized- Daniela´s mom is really starting to get them to not go through with it. Pray for them, they are so ready!!

We also found and elderly couple from spain this week!!! Manuel and Emilina. (Ashlee, I thought of you!!) They are super catholic, and didn´t want to here anything. The only reason that they let us in is because they live with a member (Who was the área 70 in Uruguay a few years ago!) and they have been friends for 40 years. So, we started talking about their family, and they told us their WHOLE life story of every grandparent and child.   haha we felt prompted to talk about family history- we gave them  one of the Little booklet of My Family, and they said they would fill it out. They completely changed, and said that they want to live with their family forever!   They are like 80 years old, so they better get on it!! hahaha but we´re excited!

I love you all, I hope you have  a great week!

Elder Carroll

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