D+C 123:12-13

"For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties and denominations...who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it--Therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things [out] of darkness, wherein we know them; and they are truly manifest from heaven--these should then be attended to with great earnestness."

Monday, October 27, 2014


Holy cow this week has been crazy! First of all, there is an Election going on in Uruguay right now, and Elections in Uruguay are always excuses to party!  So that´s been rough trying to find and teach people, because they´re all partying!  So we have been teaching two boys around 9 years old, who are both ready to be baptized. The first boy, Antony was supposed to be baptized this pastSaturday, but there was a misunderstanding with his mom, and now she is mad at us, and wont let us teach him anymore!   AHHHHHH! Here´s the story- So they went on trip as a family to Montevideo, and the mom asked Elder Ochoa and I to turn of the light breaker to their house, because they had forgot to do that. So we went to turn it off, and a couple days later, we got this text from Miriana, the mom, saying how mad at us she was, and that we weren´t welcome to come to their house anymore! Apparently the lights were still on in their house when they got back, which was confusing to us because we went and turned off the lights! So we still aren´t sure what happened exactly, but as of right now, Antony is not getting baptized!   We are so sad, Antony is so golden! Satan is definetly putting in his work to stop our work, but I know Antony will be baptized someday.  One thing you have to know about Lascano, is it is a major small town. Everyone knows everyone, and that causes a LOT of drama! The members get offended really easy, and most of them stop coming to church for minor things that people do or say.  It´s pretty un real, but we are working with them!       The other boy we are teaching is Sebastian, and he is the Grandson of The Branch President. His parents are members, but he wanted to be baptized when he heard that his grandpa was called to be the president of the Rama.   So we´ve been teaching him, and committed him to go to church yesterday. We went by in the morning before church, and he was sitting in his house crying! He was so scared to go to church! He didn´t want to leave his mom!  we finally got him to go to primary, which is before Sacrament meeting here, but he just would not stay for sacrament meeting!  His mom took him home, and it was so sad watching him drive away! He will have to wait to be baptized for another week, but we are really going to work with him!     
So that´s the update on  our investigators!     Here´s a couple of super cool things about Uruguay.     First, we have to clap at doors in stead of knock. hahaha That´s super fun!   Second, everyone greets each other with a kiss on the cheek, men and women.  As missionaries we can kiss men, but not women. I can say now that I´ve kissed a man!   Hahaha but there have been times that girls lean in for the kiss, and I have to push my hand out in front of them and say   ¡Perdon, solo la mano!    hahaha that´s been pretty funny!         Third, there are Panaderias everywhere, which are the greatest thing to happen to the world EVER! They are bread stores which sell fresh bread and pastries, for ONE PESO! I don´t know if you understand how amazing that is! You can get so much bready goodness for so cheap!    It´s awesome!    These are some of my favorite things about Uruguay, I´ll be thinking of some more!
Anyway, the Church is true!  The Gospel really is so simple, but it is the most important thing in our lives!   There are so many people here who are just so unhappy, and they don´t know why, and it´s because they don´t have a knowlege of their Heavenly Father and the plan that he has for us. That´s why we are here as missionaries. To bring that good news to these people.  It´s real!
I hope you all have a great week, I love you all! CHAU!
Elder Carroll

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