D+C 123:12-13

"For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties and denominations...who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it--Therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things [out] of darkness, wherein we know them; and they are truly manifest from heaven--these should then be attended to with great earnestness."

Sunday, October 26, 2014



I'm doing good!    I can't even explain what these past few weeks have been like! They have been so HARD!  I'm so limited in my spanish!!! It's stinks! But I had the rush of love yesterday during church for these people. While I was leading the music, blessing the sacrament, giving a talk, and Elder ochoa was leading the music, I realized how much love comes from serving the people, regardless of my spanish.   I can definetley see my spanish is improving, but it's so frustrating! I'm just Elder Ochoa's quite companion, which is so hard for me!  I love to talk, and I feel so hindered!     I'm realizing how much I have to humble myself!   Before my mission, I was able to talk to anyone, anywhere and about anything!  I loved talking to people, and teaching, but in English!   I can't do harldly any of that now, and I have to rely on the Lord!    It's been such a humbling experience! 

But I've really gotten to get close to the Lord! We have conversations quite often He and I!  It's cold in the mornings, but it's starting to get hot during the day.  Our area is probably the poorest pueblo in Uruguay, but our house is decent.    The people live in huts pretty much. There  are some that are a little bit more well off, but not much. It's so different!  It's been a growing experience for me to just love them despite their difference.  And the church is pretty weak here. There are about 300 members, and only 5 go regularly, if that! The branch president has only been a member like 3 years, and has no idea what to do. We've basically been running the Branch. It's like pulling teeth getting people to come to church!  It's pretty much like the little island on Tonga in the Other Side of Heaven!   But I'm definetly learning to step up!  I know I'm being blessed!

Yeah! Seriously I look at the pìctures I brought with me of our house, and I feel so blessed!     We actually live in a little brick house, and Thank goodness we have hot water, a stove, an oven and a washing machine. We have it pretty good! We live closer to the center of town, which is more well off, but it's still a tiny little house, with lots of bugs in it! Hahahaha It's actually kind of fun!     
And the food is really good! It's a lot of pasta, and meat! We always eat really good at members houses!      It's really is European! 

So, Guess where I'm at right now!  I'm in Brazil!   Well, pretty much. For P day today, we took a bus to Chuy, which is a city that borders Brazil. One side of the street is Uruguay,. and the other is Brazil. Which means that one side is spanish, and the other is Portuguese!   I've already learned some portuguese!     HAhaha it's pretty awesome!  But we're going to do some souviner shopping today, maybe play some soccer with our district, and sight see!   We actually get to come here every week for district meeting, but today we get to play!  It'll be fun!And last Friday we had Intercambios, and I got to come here! We taught a lot of lessons in portuguese! It was cool, the people understand spanish, but speak portuguese!      But I was part of a Drug Bust in Brazil!

So here is the story--- And this is a true story.   Last Friday, I had exchanges in Brazil (It's halfway in Uruguay and Brazil)    I was working with my temporary comp Elder Oliviera, and we pàssed by a house with a ton of cops. They told my comp to go into the house, and made me wait outside!   I asked one of the cops, who was all dressed up in swat team stuff and had a big rifle, what was happening. He told me that it was a Drug bust and they needed Elder Oliviera, who was Brazilian, to be a witness!   They had just  busted down the door of the house before we got there, and had handcuffed the guys who were trafficking drugs!  It was so crazy, just like a movie!  Crazy Brazilians!   So I got to make some new Brazilian cop friends! That was pretty sweet!

     It was CRAZY! We saw them bust down the door, arrest the guys, take pictures and everything! My comp had to be a witness for the Brazilian Police!    Hahaha it was like the movies!    
So we just had a new family move into Lascano, and they are Super Solid members! We went over to their house to visit with them, and I have NEVER been so grateful for a righteous family in my entire life! They are active and teach their kids correct principles!    That's going to make this Rama so much better!

I am learning so much!!!!!  but     I HAVE TO GO!!!!!    I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!      HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elder Devin

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